Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services

Personal Recorded Tarot Card Reading
Most Popular! In-Depth insights & guidance for your pressing concerns

Describe your image

Service Description
An in-depth, 78 card (full deck) personal reading that answers as many questions as you have, as well a natal chart analysis, recorded for your convenience and delivered to you via private Vimeo or Youtube link through an email. This reading comes with a "cheat-sheet" PNG file that highlights the main revelations of the reading, as well as a follow up email for any necessary clarifications. Please note: the reading is delivered within 1 business day of the calendar booking date (meaning if you schedule on a Thursday it may be delivered on a Monday) and that the "45 minutes" is an estimate ( could be more or less depending on what I discover). After you have booked, Please send your time, date, and place of birth to with any information or questions you didn't have room for in the order form. THIS IS A RECORDED READING, not live, sent via private link in an email. Please note: the booking time is a slot holder, NOT TIME OF DELIVERY. The reading will come to you within 24 hours of the date you've reserved. Much love to you!
45 मिनट
250 यूएस डॉलर

Dream Interpretation
Email Exchange

A woman is sleeping with a light illuminated near her representing her dreams

A woman is sleeping with a light illuminated near her representing her dreams
Service Description
This service is a personal exploration into your dreams. Through the information you share via your email, I will analyze the symbology within the dream you've described in context with any other information you have shared. Every night, our minds speak to us through dreams. We are subconsciously aware of so much more than we understand in our waking state. Our dreams are our psyche's way of speaking to us, and revealing a truth that needs our attention. These dream interpretations will empower you. You will regain peace and control over the situation that has been bothering you.
- 50 यूएस डॉलर

Lenormand Grand Tableau
RECORDED reading offered insight up to 8 weeks in the future

Lenormand Tarot Cards displayed as the Lenormand Grand Tableau reading

Lenormand Tarot Cards displayed as the Lenormand Grand Tableau reading
Service Description
A Lenormand Grand Tableau is a snap shot of your current situation and the events (past circumstances) that have led up to your current situation. It reveals details you were unaware of in order to help you make more sense of your situation. The purpose of this reading is CLARITY so that you can make more informed choices. It will predict up to 12 weeks out. This reading is perfect for the seeker who desires insight into a specific question or situation.
30 मिनट
150 यूएस डॉलर

Personal Reading PLUS - live chat
An in-person, Real time video chat with me

Michelle Santagate of Born without Boundaries Tarot, tarot card reading, astrologer, and psychic, smiling, inviting, and happy

A deck of tarot cards with the strength card displayed on top, surrounded by crystals

Michelle Santagate of Born without Boundaries Tarot, tarot card reading, astrologer, and psychic, smiling, inviting, and happy
Service Description
This service offers EVERYTHING the personal tarot card reading offers - full natal chart analysis and 78 card tarot spread psychic investigation of your situation - PLUS a half hour in-person zoom meeting with me. This in-person meeting happens AFTER the reading. As with the personal reading, I will take your questions and information through an email and provide you with a video recording of your chart analysis and tarot spread through a private video link. Normally this is followed by an email exchange if you have any questions about the reading. The plus reading expands this exchange into a live video chat with me where you can ask me any questions about the reading in-person via video conference. To be clear - this live chat is a Q & A that we schedule AFTER the recorded reading is completed. It offers you a chance to ask your questions in person. The live Q & A session could happen the next day or two weeks after I've delivered your reading because it will depend on our schedules (time zones will have to be taken into consideration.)
1 घंटा
500 यूएस डॉलर
Cancelation Policy
Cancelation of a service must be completed 48 hours prior to the scheduled time of the reading. Please email me at with the date you booked a service. Please include the name and email you used to make the booking. Thank you.
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services
Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader,
psychic medium readings - psychic predictions - tarot card readings - astrology predictions - astrology services