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Astrology for the week ahead June 12 - 18, 2022 Pop-Quiz

Hello all! The Full moon in Sagittarius is almost upon us, but just before it happens we start off with contention between Venus and the South node. It seems our past with relationships and money, how we handle them and where we place value, is going to whip us around a bit. We haven’t done enough of what we need to in order to make permanent changes, and we’ll feel the frustration of that. This is all happening square to Saturn as well, so finances will be tight. It will be hard not to value something simply for its glamor or monetary value. Including ourselves. But that’s not where value comes from. With Mercury back in Gemini and sextile Jupiter it’s a great time to get inspired, put your mind to figuring out a problem (the Venus induced ones especially). Think before you act now, as clarity is the biggest blessing the universe is sending us this week. If you seek to understand, the answer will come to you and then you can take action on the necessary things. Watch out for cockiness on the Full Moon, as it’s in Sagittarius and we’ll want to jump into the “new” to make ourselves feel better. It’s trine to Mars and Chiron might make us anxious to dive into something to show we’ve changed, but have we? Even though we won’t want to, take things slow and think them through. Because the impulsivity is actually a test. Have you really learned anything from you past mistakes? If so, show it by using your head and modulating your emotions. All this week you’re going to need to watch out for get-rich-quick schemes and too-good-to-be-true offers because of that persistent square between Neptune and the Sun. It’ll be easier to be deceived now and our strong desire for our lives to just “hurry up and change already” may encourage us to believe what we shouldn’t. Once again it is Mercury’s strength in Gemini trine to Pluto in super stealth mode that will help us see through lies. ASK! INQUIRE! The more the better. If it’s a sincere offer then it will hold up under inquiry. If not, it will start to unravel quickly. So will you if you’re not prepared for things. Preparation is everything now and if you haven’t done the work, people will easily unravel you. Don’t try to bamboozal anyone. That’s pretty much how things will unravel next week, especially in conversation. It’s like a series of pop-quizzes designed to see if you’ve actually done the work. And this is very very good. Because the glamour won’t stand up, and a lot of BS will be revealed. Faith in what is happening and why it’s happening is so good right now. Ask more questions then you answer and be willing to learn from what is being told to you, whether it’s what you wanted or not. That’s the real way through this week. The full moon will feel exciting and hopeful. Allow that to settle in your heart for the long term instead of expecting instant change and you’ll do well. We have to demonstrate that we’ve actually LEARNED from our mistakes, and if we haven’t there is still time. The persistence of a fantasy that demands to be more then the illusion that it is will trip us up. Take the high road and the long way. That’s the secret to success this week. You have more time than you feel you do, so don’t be tricked. YOU ARE WORTH MORE THAN WHAT IS IN YOUR WALLET OR BANK ACCOUNT! And so are others!


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