Weekly Astrology Forecast Sept 5 - Sept 11
Stand in your POWER not your PRIDE! The end of this week is down right magical so to be sure you’re casting spells that bring health, wealth, and love that is TRUE and aligned with the universe, the beginning of this week will show us some truths that will always be liberating but not always welcome. The great thing about all this Virgo energy is the ability to put information to practical use or throw it away. Virgos work smart not hard and we’ll be glad for this cleansing outlook on life this week, especially in the beginning of the week when we’re realizing certain things about certain people that aren’t making us so happy. Well, that’s how it goes. This time is about learning who we are and how we want to spend our time, as well as how we SHOULD spend our energy. The difficulty this week will be in releasing how we WANTED THINGS TO WORK OUT, and accepting the truth of situations and people. This could mean strong shifts in our interest or alliances, or just how much importance we place on something. The courage of last week has shown us who we are in the eyes of others. Now it’s time to use that information to make the best decisions for ourselves. Next week, after the moon is in Scorpio with Venus, we will be powerful. VERY INFLUENTIAL. But watch this effect on you as much as through you. Individuals with intense Scorpio placements will be especially powerful, and for those in leadership positions the actions they take now will show very clearly who they are and their true intensions intentions are.
Sunday Sept 5th, 2021
Well, we are learning how to do things through our God space, aligned with the universe. There is a calm to our disappointments today. As if somehow we understand this isn’t the end all be all. The moon is still in Leo, begging to be noticed, to be seen, so get ready to take more chances (socially) than you normally would. Just be wary of expecting attention. That could lead to disappointment. The moon is square the nodes so a reality check-in of our journey in life is here, almost a self assessment. You may find yourself asking, did I do that again!? How do I keep finding myself here? Well, sit with those questions for a bit. Why do you keep returning here? What is it that you want? Be honest. And once you know, ask for that. Ask The universe directly, let it know THIS IS WHAT I WANT. Just like this. Presented to me in this way. That’s why I keep looking here. Please leave my package for me here. Your focus determines your reality. So focus on the best for yourself today, and allow everything else to drop to the weigh side. But remember, you may not know what the best is. Right? So allow God to be part of the conversation. Focus on the WHY of WHAT you want, instead of the WHAT of what you want, and things will start making more sense to you. The realities of HOW we have to get things done may be interfering with how you perceive what is happening. Just because things aren’t as smooth as you want them to be does not mean magic isn’t happening. This is EARTH magic, so it’s a bit less glamorous, but so much longer lasting! FAITH is essential today because on so many levels your self confidence is being tested. Find your comfort in the DIVINE today, and then find the divine in you. This will help you through.
MANTRA: I am love, I am divine. I am abundance and loved unconditionally. The divine shines through me and that is what people see
Monday Sept 6th NEW MOON IN VIRGO (Labor Day)
Are you having trouble saying what you want to say or do you feel you messed up and could have said something better? These are the thoughts running through your head today with Mercury opposite Chiron. The churning maybe especially bad when it comes to partnerships. And yes, so much self doubt, while changes are happening inside of us that we not only welcome, we can’t wait for. Uranus is making these shifts to our light and our dark side, with the sun conjunct the moon. It’s a new moon, conjunct the sun, a perfect time to start something new, a new way of being. Don’t be surprised if you start thinking of changing every about yourself, as there is an intense tendency toward insecurity still. But this could be just the energy you need to get inspired to BE different. You’re actually being harder on yourself than others are. In the dark of the new moon, this is a perfect time to plant the seeds for something that will grow and cultivate over time (think of it as soil for your new undertaking). The actions of others can confuse you right now and during the Mars/Neptune transit you might have to, or want to, abandon your plans to help someone else. It is in the ambiguity of action that you find aspects of yourself that you didn’t realize existed or that you are introduced to different activities that end up opening doors you didn’t even know were there! This is actually an adventurous and exciting time. Hold tight to faith and know that all this confusion is actually the divine reconfiguring things for a surprise reveal.
MANTRA: I am faith. I am open. Change is adventure and I open myself up to the possibilities
Tuesday Sept 7th
If you were trying to avoid change, today is not the day you're going to be able to do it. The moon and mars are right on top of each other and they are making the skies feisty. It’s the day when we kind of just explode. All the insecurities and all the emotional worries will come to the surface and we let loose. We want sexual healing but we’re too insecure to ask for it. All this tension is going to build and explode. So get ready for a lot of changes because Pluto is working on the moon and Mars to irrupt creating some sort of change to make sure that things don’t stay the same. Also to make sure that whatever was hidden in the depths of our soul comes to the surface now. We won’t have the strength to fight it. Honestly it is a great day for making up by making love. Whatever your situation get ready for this to be a volatile day. The volatility on this day is going to be exceptionally important. It’s going to relieve us of tensions that we’ve been feeling for the past couple of weeks. And it’s going to give us an outlet for our truth. So you can rest assured that today is a game changing ushering in changes that are meant-to-be.
MANTRA: I am truth. I am heat. I am passion and destiny. Today I am forced out of my own way.
Wednesday Sept 8
We just got sling-shot into a relationship. Yesterday’s tension pushed us into something we wanted but didn’t know how to get. Now we find ourselves coming to, with the moon now in Libra, a place where it likes to make nice. In some ways it feels like we’ve been manipulated into a new situation but maybe that’s because we had to be. The intensity we’re feeling right now is unavoidable and will make us do things that we probably wouldn’t have. The universe is giving us the fire to burn at an atomic level! Whatever you’ve been trying to hold back, forget it! It’s all going to come out now. Our insecurities will be revealed today, hopefully to the very person they were about. Great ideas or new interests can spring up today, but mostly new relationships or deeper understanding of the person you’re currently with. We’ll be able to articulate what we feel today, or it will be articulated for us. Our friends may inadvertently serve as a conduit for much needed clarity. Even if we didn’t ask them to, it may be something they let slip that helps move things along.
MANTRA: my heart remains open while my mind turns to trust fate. Inspiration is welcome even from unexpected places.
Thursday Sept 9
This is the best day of the week to lay a foundation for your new career or relationship. With the sun trine Uranus and Pluto we know what we want and are determined to make the changes we need to get it. Certainty and self control are the defining aspects of this day. Yes, we feel the push to make a difference but we also have the patience to work hard to establish something long lasting. We’re moving toward our truth North row. This is the perfect week to lay solid foundations because Mercury goes retrograde soon and we won’t have a chance to make firm foundations until it passes. This Mercury retrograde is really going to be a shit-show. It’s so important today to dig deep foundations. You’ll have to do this through truth and a healthy dose of eating your own shit when it comes to feelings. But today is the perfect setting to start something new that will last well into the future. The intensity of today can not be understated. It may take you by surprise!
MANTRA: I flow. I trust the insanity will lead to clarity, helping me to understand myself deeper and more completely.
Friday Sept 10
Venus and the moon move into Scorpio, so get ready for some hidden emotions and deep rooted desires shaking your core now. This is an intensely sensual time when our desire for loyalty and emotional truth could make us reactionary. If somehow you’ve been able to keep secrets throughout the week, now is when they will be unavoidable. We could begin to act out in scary ways if we don’t have the courage to face what we feel. External restrictions could greatly impact our feelings today, making us feel isolated and lonely. Our desires to move forward seem cut off and unbearable. This could cause a great deal of damage to what we thought were long term relationships. The moon usually does cause major shifts when it’s in Scorpio. Extreme reactions can cause destruction. This is when feelings that we should be sharing get swallowed and buried, laying waste to possibly beautiful situations. Unless of course we’re able to access our sexuality and apply it to this situation. But that could still cause us trouble. Expect today to see major shifts to your relationships. Only the bold will survive. Arguments we have today can be so hard on us, but if we use them to learn about or accept the degree to which we feel something, then it could provide lasting insights into the way we love and what we require to feel secure within our relationships.
MANTRA: Lord protect me from myself today. Help me have faith even when everything seems wrong. I am strength, I am truth, I am courage.
Saturday September 11
Can you say INTENSE!? That’s what today will be! With our moon and Venus now BOTH in Scorpio we’ve really gone hardcore on the DEFENSIVE about what we feel and desire. Pluto is intensifying this, pressing us to get results or DESTROY. What doesn’t make it past this step will never make it. These energies were designed to make or break relationships and situations. The great part is we won’t settle. The truth of our emotions may be buried deep within us but our psychic talents are bursting out of us. So yes, on Saturday, we just KNOW! We’ll have a surprisingly cool head about what we have to do and what has to be worked out. Almost COLD truth, if you will. Today is the day we’ll freeze people out who didn’t make the cut over the past week. This is PERFECT TIMING because with Pluto trining both the Sun AND Mars, you’re damn near magical now and could get anyone to do what you want! But there’s a difference between real love and appreciation, and CASTING love and attraction spells. One is sincere, the other is manipulation: SELF manipulation! So it’s best to be clear what opportunities and people REALLY ARE WORTH your energy. Once you know this, and you will by today, set your mind on it and it will be. This is a time of major influence and transition in your relationships and social situations, so be aware! Because others may be trying to get one over on you too! Today, it’s of the utmost importance to know where you’re putting your energy, and who is putting their energy on you!
MANTRA: I am protected. I am strength. I am truth. In alignment with the universe and the truths of it, I set my energy and welcome success.